Ozette Blog

A platform to share our insights, expertise, and innovative solutions for generating and analyzing cytometry data at scale.

On complexity, decision making, and unintended consequences.

Scientific complexity can obscure simple errors, with potentially severe consequences. Flow cytometry, a powerful yet intricate tool, exemplifies how errors in data generation and analysis can propagate unnoticed, affecting critical outcomes in drug development and patient care. Ozette addresses these challenges by integrating validated computational methods, quality monitoring, and transparent data analysis, ensuring reliable insights that accelerate clinical research and improve decision-making.

Welcome to the Ozette Blog: Generating Quality Cytometry Data at Scale

Ozette recognizes the challenges of producing high-quality cytometry data, which stem from technical complexities and the need for diverse expertise. That is why we have launched the Ozette Blog, a platform to share our insights, expertise, and innovative solutions for generating and analyzing cytometry data at scale.