While I am primarily trained as an Immunologist, I have always had an interest in computational methods that aided in moving my work forward. This became especially true during the final years of my training: I used publicly available datasets to identify pathways important for alveolar macrophage chemotaxis behavior. This interest translated well into my postdoctoral training in systems vaccinology. At Ozette, I have been fortunate enough to hone this interest further.
I have been collecting and analyzing cytometry data for about 10 years! While I love the assay, its simplicity, speed, and scale, in the back of my mind, I always wondered if a better way of analysis could be conceived. When I learned about the approach Ozette is taking to solve many of the pain points involved in analyzing and discovering insights locked within cytometry data, it was an “aha!” moment. I wanted to have a part in bringing this tool to the masses.
Most days, I wear quite a few hats. Typically, that means making sure the partner projects I am leading are running smoothly and in a timely manner. Or, where needed, participating in partner presentations. And if time allows, helping with methodological development and testing. All while trying to keep up with new developments in the field. It’s a fast-paced environment and I really enjoy it.